Beacon of Faith Campaign

Beacon of Faith Campaign.

Learn More

The Beacon of Faith Program is a diocesan-wide fundraiser that will benefit both individual parishes and the larger Church. Our Lady of Peace received pledges of more than $355,000, representing about 44% over our goal. Our parish will obtain 50% of everything up to our goal, and 75% of the overage.


Our Lady of Peace will use our share of the funds collected in the Beacon of Faith Program for outreach to (1) youth and young families; (2) neighbors in need; and (3) the growing population of those over fifty-five. Committees have been established for each of these areas to determine how the monies collected will be spent, so as to make sure the funds are used wisely and for the purposes intended.

We've exceeded Our Campaign Goal!

Thank you! A heartfelt thanks to all who have been so generous to the Beacon of Faith Campaign. We have exceeded our goal so now everything raised from this point on - our parish receives 75% back to us to support our ministries.  If you have not yet donated or pledged, we hope this will encourage you to do so.

To discover more about the three ministries these funds will support and to learn how you can be involved, please see below.

Where will the campaign dollars raised go?

After prayerful consideration at the beginning phase of this 4-year campaign, it was decided to support the three Ministries below as being the largest need. Our portion of the campaign funds raised will stay in our local community.

Youth & Families Senior Outreach Justice & Peace
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