Cemetery Rules & Regulations

St. Mary’s Cemetery *St. Anne’s Cemetery * Mater Dolorosa Cemetery


These regulations take the place of any released previously

September 2024


Catholic cemeteries reflect our fundamental belief in the resurrection of the dead and everlasting life, the dignity of all persons, and the importance of prayer for the faithful departed. By encouraging frequent visits by families and friends of the deceased, we seek to foster an environment where love is remembered, hope rekindled and faith nourished and strengthened.


This brochure includes rules and regulations which are meant to:

  • Ensure that the cemetery is respected as sacred space, well-maintained, healing and inviting to bereaved families and friends;
  • Protect the rights and privileges of all families using the cemetery and having loved ones buried within it;
  • Provide an environment that is tasteful, safe and secure for those who visit the cemetery as well as those who work within it.


The church owns and operates this cemetery for the common good. Those who purchase burial rights (no land or property is purchased) are issued easements (rental agreements) of burial. Compliance with cemetery rules and regulations is a condition of the easement.


Cemetery Hours

The cemetery is open from dawn to dusk.


General Considerations

  • Because the cemetery is sacred space, behavior should be respectful at all times.
  • Smoking, alcohol and drugs are strictly forbidden.
  • No pets or animals (e.g. dogs, horses) are allowed.
  • All-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and dirt bikes are prohibited.
  • Metal detectors may not be used on cemetery property.
  • The disposal of refuse of any kind is not allowed. Please take clippings, dead flowers and the like with you.


Floral Tributes

  • Flowers and veterans’ flags are allowed only within 12” of the principal monument so as to allow ease of mowing. Flowers may not be placed on or near flat foot markers.
  • The planting of shrubs or grass is not allowed, nor is fertilizing or mowing of individual lots.
  • Stones or wood chips are prohibited, so as to maintain safety during mowing.
  • Metal hooks and hanging plants are not allowed for safety reasons.
  • To maintain the dignity and uncluttered simplicity of the cemetery, trinkets, novelties, crosses, hearts and Bibles may not be placed on or near stones or on lots.


  • Live flowers may be placed within 12” of upright monuments from May 1st to October 1st. No artificial flowers are allowed during this time.
  • Artificial flowers, wreaths and log boxes may be placed near monuments November 1st thru March 1st. Snow-covered pots and wreaths that are not near the monuments can create havoc with snow removal equipment used for winter burials.


Management and liability

  • Management reserves the right to remove flowers, containers and any other items that are unsafe, unsightly or inappropriate.
  • This cemetery does not assume liability for the damage, loss or theft of any objects, including flowers, pots or veteran’s flags. Please note that plastic pots are particularly fragile.



A Catholic cemetery and everything in it are meant to convey our faith in the centrality of the resurrection of the dead brought about by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, only Christian symbols are allowed on monuments. Inscriptions or emblems of non-Catholic societies will not be permitted on monuments or markers, nor shall portraits, photographs etc. of the deceased or others be attached to the monument, nor the painting or etching of any scenes whether religious or not. All monuments and markers and their design and placement must be approved in writing by the Pastor.



We believe in the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting

The cemetery is open from dawn to dusk

Behavior should be reverent and respectful at all times

No pets or animals (e.g. dogs, horses) are allowed

All-terrain vehicles, snow mobiles and dirt bikes are prohibited

The disposal of refuse of any kind is forbidden

Floral tributes must be within 12” of principal monuments

Live flowers are allowed May 1 to October 1

Artificial wreaths and flowers are allowed November 1 - March 1

Management reserves the right to remove unsightly or inappropriate objects

Management is not responsible for damage, loss or theft of any objects,

including flowers, pots or veterans’ flags

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