Youth: Religious Education

Youth Religious Education.

For More Information.

If you have any questions or want to sign up your child for Religious Education, please contact us! Classes run following the school year schedule.

Meets Sundays at 9am.

Carol Holubecki, Director of Religious Education

413 863-2585    |

Youth Religious Education.

The goal of our youth and family ministry is to offer families with children, activities that are designed to help the family grow and learn more about God and their Catholic faith together.

Please join us on Sundays at 9am during the school year while your children are enjoying their religious education programs. We provide pastries and coffee to enjoy while you meet other parents. It is also a good time to ask Father Stan any questions you might have.

2024-25 Schedule

Our Program.

We use the Phlaum faith formation program, which flows from the words of Jesus Christ in the Sunday gospels. Children learn their faith – including formation in doctrine, sacraments, commandments, and prayer – within the rhythms and seasons of the Liturgical year. This encourages a growing participation in the life of the parish community. The program includes a Catechism handbook – What the Church Believes and Teaches – for each child, plus 32 weekly Gospel-based lessons.


Additional Resources.

For additional support of catechists, teachers, families, and program directors, provides a robust collection of free online resources, including seasonal activities. These weekly lessons inspire them to seek out ways to practice their faith in their daily lives. Every lesson reinforces the need for parents and children to actively participate in the Sunday Mass and the life of the Church.

We encourage families to attend Mass together, and we provide these lessons to assist in making the home the cornerstone for faith sharing and development. We foster a sense of community with our social activities as they raise their children and the need for support, love, and encouragement as they face today's challenges!


  • Catechetical Sunday Mass begins the year. The complementary roles of students, parents, catechists, and the parish as a whole are highlighted. Catechists are commissioned and blessed.
  • An Enrollment Ceremony pairs Confirmation and First Communion students, who participate in a Mass and symbolically place their names on a banner. The parish is asked to pray for those preparing for sacraments.
  • Each month there is a Youth Mass with each grade taking major roles and highlighting any special activities taking place in class.
  • Students put on a Christmas Pageant during the Children’s Christmas Mass. In addition to the major characters. Students scan sign up for an angel choir. Older students can get involved with the narration, production, and assistance with younger children.


  • We have  different retreats for middle-high school students, as part of the Franklin County Youth group.Some retreats include the Wizard of Oz Retreat and walking retreats up Mount Sugarloaf.
  • Our Pflaum pamphlets serve as our faith-formation program, paired with social justice activities.
  • We\ offer classes for First Penance, First Communion, and Confirmation.


  • Each October we have Halloween treats!
  • Prior to Christmas there is a Children’s Christmas Party with a magician, a visit from Santa, pizza, and homemade cookies. Preparation for the Christmas Pageant follows in the church.
  • Each year there is a visit from the Easter Bunny and an Easter egg hunt after the Easter Children’s Mass.


  • Our parish participates in Adopt-a-Family at Christmas each year, serving 14-18 families. Several of the requested items are saved for families with children. Many requests are basic, such as laundry soap, blankets, towels and personal hygiene items. Each family member receives two gifts, along with a gift card for food and two general gifts.
  • In the Fall, our students will participate in 1/4 Mile of Quarters. Lined up edge to edge, it would equal $990 to help pay for laundry expenses.
  • Individual classes have adopted families. Children have been involved in bake sales, purchasing, and wrapping gifts.
  • The Confirmation class did a sock tree last year, inviting the donation of socks for people of all ages.
  • There was a tote bag sale and grocery shopping as a class to benefit the homeless shelter.
  • Students assisted the Our Lady of Peace Women’s Group with Easter baskets.
  • Students have served as greeters at various events.
  • We make cards for the holidays to give to the home-bound and nursing homes.
  • We participate in food drives, such as our Brown Bag brigade, which provides a lunch for the needy that come to our community meal on Mondays!
  • We have collected backpacks, clothing, books, diapers, and toiletries.
  • We work with our Social Justice Committee and volunteer to help with the Monday Community Meals.

Parent~Catechist Advisory Board: To learn more about the board that oversees our Religious Education program comprised of the DRE, Pastor, current teachers and current parents,  please click below.

Parent Catechist Advisory Board
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