Mass Intentions in honor or in memory of someone are traditionally offered as a gift to an individual or a family who is grieving a recent loss or celebrating a milestone in their lives. Masses may also be offered as a gesture of encouragement or as a means of asking for God’s blessings of healing and grace, or good health. Each year the Mass book opens on the day after Labor Day for the following year. Suggested donation for each Mass is $15.00.
Contact Marcia Caloon | 413 863-2585
Our exceptionally beautiful stained glass window of the Blessed Virgin Mary may be illuminated in memory of a loved one or for special occasions. The window is lit at dusk and shines until midnight. Suggested donation is $5.00 per day and may be reserved by calling the rectory office.
Contact Marcia Caloon | 413 863-2585
A votive candle, or a prayer candle may be lit as an offering of your prayer intention for another person, living or dead. By creating light, you are petitioning the Lord in prayer, or a saint for intercession. – to pray with us and for us, to God.
The electronic votive candles are located near the tabernacle. The votive remains lit for a period of 2 days
Suggested donation for each candle is $1.00.
Contact Marcia Caloon | 413 863-2585
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