The goal of our Youth and Young Family Ministry is to offer young families with children, activities and events that are designed to help the family grow and learn more about God and their Catholic faith together. These activities include the Religious Education programs, Children's Masses, Teaching Masses and plans in the near future for a Children's Choir.
We encourage families to attend Mass together and we provide innovative and relevant resources to assist in making the home the cornerstone for faith- sharing and development. We foster a sense of community as they raise their children and the need for support, love and encouragement as they face the challenges of today.
We encourage our parents to join us on Sundays while your students are enjoying their Religious Education classes. We provide coffee and donuts to enjoy while you meet other parents, ask questions, and "talk-laugh-learn". Several times a year we have
Family Catechesis Classes. These "classes" are wonderful opportunities to share and learn more about your faith as a family.
Open to all and co-lead by our parish youth! They are on the first Sunday each month at the 10am Mass.
In the planning stages, a choir created by our Music Director, Kathleen Galluzo for kids only! Several concerts could be in the near future.
The OLP Parent/Catechist Advisory Board meets once a month to provide input and support for our parish Religious Education program for parents as the "primary educators" of their children, and for the Catechists.
The board is comprised of the Director of Religious Education, Fr. Stan Aksamit, all current Religious Education teachers and the current parents. The board seeks and implements ways of increasing family involvement, developing needs assessment, and building community.
Our Catechetical programs seek to share our Catholic faith through instruction, growth in prayer, participation in the Eucharist and by community involvement in the social justice mission of the Church.
Questions? Please contact our Director.
Carol Holubecki | Director Religious Education
413 863-2585 |
Interested in joining any of our groups?
Please contact the parish office for more information..
Contact Marcia Caloon | 413 863-2585
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